Keys to becoming a better and successful employee

Keys to becoming a better and successful employee

Becoming successful is obviously no piece of cake. It challenges you to bring out the best of your personality, molds and shapes you to become a more matured person who is responsible and accountable for his/her actions. However, as we all know, it doesn’t come easy. Working for long stressful hours, trying to get along with your fellow colleagues, deadlines and schedules may not be your cup of coffee at the beginning but keep in mind, progress is always better than perfection. Therefore, here’s a few tips that may help you in making this zealous yet essential journey not so daunting.

Managing your fellow colleagues

Working as a team requires endless amounts of patience, tolerance, trust, and respect and none of this can be built within a single working day. Neither will you fit in as soon as you expect yourself to, nor will you take ages to finally comprehend them.

  • Always make sure to be supportive to your team by providing situational leadership and constantly brainstorm to present with innovative ideas to make your working environment more effective and productive.

  • Maintain a warm and healthy relationship with your fellow peers. Jot down their birthdays and anniversaries on your diary or memo and make sure you at least send them a heartfelt personal wish on their special day.

  • Take some time off your work or free time to help a fellow colleague with a personal issue that they have been struggling with. Feeling helpless at times is the worst feeling; however, showing compassion at those times of need is certainly worth a lifetime

Becoming a better version of yourself

Your need to constantly improve yourself is the key to getting ahead of others. Gaining experience, making mistakes, and figuring out your true potential with each obstacle you face, is what keeps you motivated.

  • As you move along path A of your career, don’t forget to build a path B as well. Don’t be too certain or overconfident about anything, because as we’ve all heard, uncertainty is the only thing that’s certain. Prepare your every move for both the best- and worst-case scenarios which would make life much more stress-free.

  • Set yourself your own deadlines. Work hard for to boost your own standards. Make plans and schedules daily/weekly so that you don’t tend to procrastinate. There is a reason why its quoted that ‘Punctuality is the soul of any business’.

  • Spend a few minutes every day planning about your future. What is my mission? Where do I see myself in the next 5 years? Am I financially stable? How and when can I invest? This will give you the drive and motivation to make yourself better in your job each passing day. Taking care of yourself As we get tangled up in this incessant rat-race, we seldom think of our health and well-being when working. Although taking good care of yourself may not be within your priorities, it is evident that without a good physical and mental wellbeing, anything is impossible.

Taking care of yourself

As we get tangled up in this incessant rat-race, we seldom think of our health and well-being when working. Although taking good care of yourself may not be within your priorities, it is evident that without a good physical and mental wellbeing, anything is impossible.

  • Try to exercise and get your heart pumping at least for a few hours each week. Exercise is the most under-utilized antidepressant in this world

  • Take a few breaks amidst your work time to go for a 5-minute stroll or to look outside your window. Appreciate nature. Science proves that greenery is the best medicine for your tired eyes and relentless mind, so take the maximum use of it.

  • Every night, free up some time to manifest for your goals and dreams. If you had a rough day, think positively, and determine that you will get past these tough times. Always think above and beyond. Yearn for more knowledge and seek for more wisdom.

Lastly, always remember that the secret for your success is passion and perseverance...

  • Read 2310 times
  • Last modified on Friday, 15 October 2021 04:11
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