Five tips to help you pick the best holiday gift for your employees

Five tips to help you pick the best holiday gift for your employees

As the 1st of December rolls around, Christmas music begins to play on the radio and in just a blink the entire city turns into a winter wonderland. Although we do not experience snow, that cold Christmas air marks the beginning of the holiday season. And this is usually when some companies begin the search for an appropriate holiday gift for the employees. Although this is not the same as buying a gift for a friend because the requirements are much greater. The gifts should ideally fit the budget and be of value to the employees. The requirements are simple on paper but selecting the best gift is a rather difficult task. Here are a few tips that might help speed up the process

Set a budget

If you are thinking of a few numbers, make a frame of maximum and minimum expenditure to which the gift should fit in. Creating a budget will give you a clear frame of reference while selecting the gift. Since it is not just the gift that you are looking at make a sheet of all potential costs that will be acquired in the process. This includes, wrapping paper, tape, stationary and event transportation costs if that applies. A rough idea might not be a good ideas as the amounts begin to stretch the moment you see a potential gift that exceed the budget.

Make a list of everything

There are a few lists involved in this process, the first being an updated list of all employee. Whether your company is large or small, it’s hard to keep a track of those that have left and those that have joined recently. It is always good to take an accurate count of all the employees making sure you do not miss anyone. The next list should consist of all requirements that you need to consider when picking the gift. The design, quality, durability and most importantly the usability of the gift. The potential gift items should be considered based on each category according to your requirement. And finally, make a list of all potential gift ideas to keep in reference.

Pick a gift category

Identify whether your requirement and what you are looking to showcase from the gift. Is it a nice gesture, or are you looking at something big or are you more focused on the usefulness of it. Are you giving something that is of use in a corporate level or of individual benefit? These are a few questions that you need to address before making any gift choices. When you have a category selected, it becomes easier to pick the gift best fitting. Narrowing down a potential gift becomes easier when you have the requirements straight.

Select the finalists

Now that you have made the budget, gathered the requirements and picked the categories, it is time to pick the gifts. Narrow it down to a few options before you pick the final one. If you have been going through gifts online, get samples of the selected gifts to have a look and feel of the quality and whether it truly serves its purpose. The colorful photography online can sometimes cloud your judgment and often time the product does not look the same as that well edited image. So finalize the items by obtaining samples of each of them to avoid last minute disasters.

Buy, wrap and gift

The final step is to select the gift, and gift it to your employees. There is no such thing as a perfect gift because what is perfect in your eyes may not be the same for another. Get a uniform gift wrappers and prepare it for gifting. Finally whichever route you decide to go, it will be a surprise for your employees and as in any it’s the thought that counts.

Whichever gift you decide on, make sure it fits your corporate standards and that it gives a sense of thoughtfulness from it. It will not be easy finding the perfect gift that everyone admires but the quality and the usability will definitely give the employees that sense of appreciation in receiving it.

  • Read 8184 times
  • Last modified on Wednesday, 07 December 2016 08:50
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