Start your campaign early
Companies need to start recruiting campaigns as soon as they can. HR managers can use different kind of approaches to build the vibe among candidates. Using social media, HR manages can gain attention from candidates since the reach is high. They can circulate videos regarding company culture to inform candidates how the work is done within the company. When the positive vibe circulates among candidates, they are waiting for the company to post a recruitment advertisement for them to apply.
Get a newly hired employee online as soon as you can
Without access to the digital workplace, a remote worker cannot do anything. Because of that make sure you plan all the activities ahead. Otherwise, he or she will feel disappointed. To overcome that make sure to assign a member of the current team to help the new employee to figure things out. Always make sure to organise an orientation process with IT department to solve the problems regarding passwords, accounts access etc:
Allow your employees to develop their professional and personal growth
When you hire a new employee, they don’t know how things are done in the company. Managers need to encourage other employees to connect with the new employee and get things done. In addition, research has found that 67% of the newly hired employees are looking for work-related training. As an organisation, you can develop a programme which enables your new hires the opportunity to apply for online courses regarding their job role. Training and development module which comes with new HRIS systems allow companies to easily implement this process.
Encourage collaborative learning
It is important to encourage collaborative learning among the virtual workforce because newly hired employees need to know about the company culture and how teams are working towards company goals. Managers can use cross-train team strategy to expose a new employee to other works. Such as you can ask your marketer to work with the sales department and software engineer to work with marketing department etc: It is important to develop cross-functional team effort during onboarding process then later they have contacts in each department.
Researchers have found that candidates are twice as likely to seek a new job if they had bad onboarding experience. Considering these facts, it is good for any company to start efficient online onboarding since it helps to save your company time and money.