Google’s effort on battling COVID-19 global pandemic

Google’s effort on battling COVID-19 global pandemic

Google and Alphabet are big tech companies who are playing a major role to tackle COVID-19 pandemic using their resources and capabilities. Using Google’s main competency of information search they are trying to deliver reliable information in search and battling misinformation on YouTube. Google is working with the government on testing and they have partnered with Apple to build an exposure- tracking system for Android and iOS users. Because of the social responsibility initiatives, Google’s corporate image and identity become stronger among society and it helps them to build a long-lasting corporate reputation. 

According to a Glassdoor employee survey, 67% of the employees appreciate their employer’s decision of ‘working from home’. Most of the younger employees aged between 18-34 reported being confident of working remotely and 71% of them feel that they are more productive when doing their work remotely. Global Workforce Analytics (GWA) measured that 25-30% of the workforce will be working from home multiple days a week by the end of 2021. Because of this situation, Google allows its employees who can do their jobs remotely to plan their remote work until 2021. Google announced roughly 10% of its staff to report for work starting from 6th July. All the employees need to follow safety measures, ensure social distancing and they need to follow all the sanitisation guidelines. Around 30% of Google employees (115,000) could return to work by September 2020, but this also can be change considering health conditions. 

Google is analysing user pattern shifts and cultural shifts to understand consumer behaviour against the global pandemic. Understanding consumer and industry behaviour will be important to any industry because it will help them get an idea where the industry is heading after the pandemic. According to Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google and Alphabet they have found big gaps in education area. Because of the online learning facility, they have found that rural broadband and connectivity are major gaps in distance learning. Google is now trying to bridge those gaps, in the long run, implementing strategic moves. Since this is a data-driven era it is vital to keep an eye on the industry and identify gaps to solve the pain points of consumers. Adding value to the products and giving more advanced and efficient service will attract more customers to your business. There are some flaws in the industry but identifying the right opportunity to invest will build a future for your organisation. 

Sundar Pichai mentioned that the most effective way to run the business is to handle the virtual meeting in a normal way. You need to break those virtual barriers and think that you are in a normal meeting with your colleagues. Then you can present your ideas and thoughts regarding the matter. 

Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced that they will provide each Googler with an allowance of $1,000, or that equivalent value in the country to expense necessary equipment and office furniture because a majority of the employees are working from home. The money can be used to purchase chairs and desks (Ciaccia, 2020). Likewise, Google supports its employees, communities they are operating in by developing technologies which can support health care organisations to tackle this pandemic. Does not matter if you are a small or big company because everyone needs to take part in this big value chain to solve this problem. 

As mentioned before Google use their competency of search to provide high-quality information for the society. As a company everyone got their competencies, so companies can use those competencies effectively to develop, manage, or serve the society better during this pandemic. Also, major companies in society can collaborate with each other to build a sustainable processor. Doing more social responsibility programs will add more values to your brands. Global and local brands can take good lessons from Google to undertake various strategies to overcome economic failures and show the real brand image to the society to build long-lasting customer relationship. 

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