Qualities to consider when hiring remote workers

Qualities to consider when hiring remote workers

Remote working, working from home or telecommuting are the most used terms in the past few months. Because of the pandemic most of the employees classify themselves as remote workers and both the employer and employees are benefiting from this new working environment. With the improvement of the advanced technology, number of remote workers have increased and most of the organisations are now looking at remote working culture because it helps increase productivity, save money, and decrease employee turnover. According to recent studies, 53% of the virtual employees responded saying there are more like to work overtime. Also, they have found companies can save an average of $10,000 per year in real estate cost and the employee themselves save roughly $5,240 in expenses. Moreover, 95% of the employees agreed that remote working helps them create a positive impact on retention rates. But every position in the organisation and employee are not suitable for remote working, because some workers can be more productive in office rather than the virtual workplace. This reason valid for job positions as well. It is hard to screen the right employee for virtual workforce because considering only the academic qualification may not enough. Organisations need to check the candidate’s knowledge regarding technology because when you hire candidates for virtual workplace knowing about technology is a must. Otherwise, lack of technological background may cause gaps between communication or incompatible working styles because remote workers are relying on technology. Remote employees need to have certain key characteristics apart from academic qualifications to be a great remote worker. Those qualities are described below.

Self- discipline 

Remote workers may not get the distraction from their co-workers and other office-related distractions, but they can have their diversions. Most of the remote employees tend to distract when they are with the family. That is why self-discipline is very important for remote workers. Remote workers need to set deadlines for their work and need to follow them. Also, they need to avoid handling personal responsibilities during middle of working hours. 


It is relatively easy to motivate in-office employees rather than motivating virtual workers. Because of that, it is important to hire self-motivated and independent individuals as remote workers. Those individuals must have the ability to take necessary action regarding customer complaints or work-related matters and they need to stay on the task without being distracted.

Remote working experience 

When recruiting a candidate to check whether they have experience of working remotely. Having remote working experience will be an added advantage for candidates because they have the basic knowledge of what remote working environment looks like and how to work independently.

Advanced communication skills

Since remote workers are not going to spend more time on office, they need to have good communication skills to communicate with virtual co-workers. Virtual employees need to be proficient in handling communication channels to understand company needs and customer concerns. In the interviewing process, the interviewer can identify whether the candidate is a strong communicator or not by investigating his/her interview process. 


Remote workers always need to be reachable during working hours, via email or call. Otherwise, managers and other co-workers need to chase down the employees to get the information they want. If the employees are more tech-savvy, they are more likely to spend most of their time on computers and other devices. So, they do not miss anything. Because of that when hiring candidates, it an added advantage if companies can hire a tech-savvy candidate for the virtual workplace. 

Remote working leads to high returns in business, but organisations need to hire the right individuals to deliver high standards of the outcome. If your organisation can find the right individual with the above-mentioned personalities, the remote portion of your operations will be successful. 

  • Read 4150 times
  • Last modified on Thursday, 28 May 2020 05:41
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