Avoiding the most common HR mistakes

Avoiding the most common HR mistakes

Managing Human Resources is very tough in any organization, big or small. Regulations are increasing, workforces are becoming more dynamic and organizations are starting to do more with less. Therefore, it is fair to agree that mistakes can happen in the world of HR management.

The most common HR mistakes include unfair hiring practices, hiring ineffective employees, lack of supervisory training, misclassification of employees and incomplete employee records. There are certain steps that can be followed in order to minimize these mistakes.

Hiring effectively

Hiring the right person for the right job is no easy job. In order to make it easier, organizations can implement a process to improve hiring decisions which will have a positive impact on the organization. This hiring process could include a detailed job description, an ideal candidate profile, recruiting sources, appropriate and innovative interviews and a system that can compare candidates based on job requirements.


Introducing candidates to your organization may seem like a very tough job but approaching it in small steps will help make it less daunting. Have schedule for the employees which will give them their work for the first day of the week and so on. Encourage the employee to meet and greet colleagues and other high level employees.

Working hours and salary rules

Always be diligent with the arrival times, calculation of overtime, docking salaried employees, recording of actual time worked etc.

Supervisory and management training

The effectiveness of an employee’s management team has a direct impact on the success of the organization. Investing time in training managers and necessary management skills, employee expectations, providing feedback, carrying out performance reviews, setting goals and managing poor performance will help managers lead more productive and efficient teams.


Documentation is very necessary for every managers in any organization. Managers should document everything in real time so that they do not have to create them for memory whenever needed. For example, document performance related discussions with a follow up email to the employee.

  • Read 8631 times
  • Last modified on Friday, 20 November 2015 08:48
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